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Meet Anna Nolan, a Polish linguist, author and avid Páramo enthusiast!

Meet Anna Nolan a Polish linguist, author and avid Páramo enthusiast! Anna has been purchasing and wearing Páramo for many years and has even written a poem about us. Below, she answers some questions for us and gives us some insight into her wonderful life living in the Lake District, writing and leading a walking group.
When did you purchase your first Páramo garment and what was it?
I started buying waterproof trousers shortly after the Keswick shop opened, purchasing, over the years, six pairs for myself and two for my husband. My latest, quite recent, purchase was black Cascada 2, with all the earlier pairs being made from the same type of waterproof material (in slightly different styles). Soon, I discovered Paramo’s parka jackets, of which I have now acquired 14. I have to stress that I don’t keep buying parka jackets and waterproof trousers because they wear out. Instead, I purchase them for variety (style and colour) and, in the case of the jackets, because I need each style in three different sizes: extra-small, small and medium – I feel the cold to an extraordinary degree and, at high altitude in winter, may well wear three jackets one on top of the other.
If you could recommend any Páramo garment to our subscribers what would it be and why?
I would recommend all the Paramo garments I have purchased. In addition to the Cascada-type waterproof trousers, these are:
- Paramo Alta III Jacket (Colours: red/wine; elderberry/foxglove; midnight/indigo blue; blue/midnight);
- Paramo Ventura Jacket (midnight/carmine);
- Paramo Andina Jacket (midnight);
- Paramo Velvez Jacket (fire).
They are all hard-wearing, waterproof, windproof and breathable and fit me like a glove. And they look very smart – what’s not to like!
Tell us a bit about your book and what inspired you to write it?
Recently, the Book Guild published my humorous book, Lakeland Larks, Laughter and Lunacies of an Unmotorised Lake District Walker, which contains complimentary comments about Paramo’s parka jackets. The book will shortly be followed by a sequel: More Lakeland Larks, Laughter and Lunacies of a still Unmotorised Lake District Walker (due out on 28th September 2024).
Both books, anecdotal in character, are shot through with humour, suffused with satire, drenched in comedy and interspersed with comic verses, striving to strike a balance between my car-less mountain escapades and mishaps in the Lake District on one hand and jocular musings and satirical asides on a wide range of topical issues the other.
Below is the link to both my Lakeland books on my publisher’s website.
Lakeland Larks, Laughter and Lunacies: Of an Unmotorised Lake District Walker | The Book Guild Ltd
I have written both books (in addition to four others) because writing is what I do – in addition to climbing mountains. Having lived in Keswick for over 26 years, I have thoroughly explored the Lake District and climbed all its fells at least 10 times each. I have thus had numerous adventures and mishaps (I don’t drive), some of which I have decided to capture both in humorous prose and in comic verse, being a humourist and satirist by nature.
What is the best part about leading a walking group?
As a volunteer, I have now led over 250 group walks (for both the u3a and Keswick Rambling Club) throughout the Lake District, finding it very rewarding to be able to share my considerable knowledge of the area with others. But the best thing is meeting interesting people, many of whom have now become good friends.
As someone who has spent a lot of time in the Lake District, where is your favourite place to walk/explore in it?
I would quote the famous writer A. Wainwright: “My favourite place is one I am visiting right now”, the entire Lakeland being breathtakingly beautiful and irresistibly alluring!
Please tell us what you enjoy most about your visits to our Páramo store in Keswick!
In addition to enjoying trying on (and purchasing) the brilliant jackets, I appreciate the friendliness, helpfulness and expertise of all the advisers, who are always on hand to offer useful product information and suggestions.